DAY 10 - Rev. Dr. Jose Carlos Pezini

DAY 10

Rev. Dr. Jose Carlos Pezini

For nearly 20 years, Rev. Dr. Jose Carlos Pezini, a native of Brazil, has coached, mentored, and trained church planters and lay leaders in Latin America.  Technology has allowed his work to continue virtually during the pandemic, as he assists pastors and leads churches with training and trying to continue as the church of Christ in the midst of crisis.  Through zoom, dozens of mentors have been equipped to guide more than 400 pastors monthly.  Rev. Pezini also consults with pastors and presbyteries to help in the process of revitalization and church growth.


Lord Jesus, thank you for the work of Rev. Dr. Pezini in Latin America to provide training and mentoring to church planters, pastors, and lay leaders in the midst of the pandemic.  We ask that you would bless his ministry and allow it to flourish, and that churches in Latin America would enjoy continued growth and revitalization.  In the name of Jesus we pray, AMEN.

Bonnie Gaupp