Come as you are
Welcome, we are so glad you’re here. Our desire is to provide a place for you to connect, find purpose, and grow in relationship with God and others. We never pressure anyone to join the church, but we do encourage people to find a community of faith, here or elsewhere, where they can make a clear commitment and investment.
If you are a new visitor or regular attendee, in person or online, we want to get to know you better! Fill out the form below and someone from FPC will be in touch.
Coffee with the Pastor

Let’s get to know each other
Every Spring and Fall, we invite visitors and regular attendees to Coffee with the Pastor, an informative and interactive time to gather together in fellowship and learn about our church, doctrine, and beliefs.
Spring 2025 Dates
Where: Fellowship Hall
Sunday, March 9th | 10 am | Part One: Getting to Know You
Sunday, March 16th | 10 am | Part Two: What We Believe
Sunday, March 23rd | 10 am | Part Three: Next Steps at FPC
Sunday, April 20th | 10 am | New Members Easter Reception
When you arrive at FPC Thomasville, we invite you to visit our welcome table, located at the back of the Fellowship Hall for the Arise service or on the sidewalk for our Traditional service. Our Welcome Team will be happy to show you around and answer any questions you may have. They will also provide you with a welcome gift bag and connect you with a member who will walk you to where you’re headed if you wish.
People come to church in a variety of different styles. Members and guests on Sunday mornings wear everything from casual attire to a suit and tie or dress. Honestly, we aren’t picky about what you wear. We’re just glad to have you join us!
We love to serve families of every size, shape, and style, which is why we make your children our priority!
Children’s Worship (4 years - 1st Grade) is a special time for children held during the Arise (9 a.m.) worship service. Children are dismissed following the Children’s Moment to attend their own age-appropriate gathering, held in the Education Building or outside. Led by Kids Ministry staff and parent volunteers, Children’s Worship includes a time of Scripture study, Catechism and an applicable craft, treat, or activity.
At 10:00, children are dismissed to Sunday school classes.
Childcare for children infant - 4 years is available in the Church Nursery during all services