Music is given of God to further his purposes
Music is an integral part of worship in our church. It reflects our common faith and beliefs and gives voice to our praise of God.
Worship is so much more than music, but music is a very tangible way we can pour our hearts out to God through singing and playing. FPC Thomasville is blessed with some very talented musicians who do a great job of leading us in worship. The goal of our Music Ministry is to help draw you closer into worship rather than simply enjoying a performance.
music at the traditional service
music at the traditional service
The FPC Choir is made up of adults of all ages and levels of musical experience. The choir provides music for the 11:00 AM Traditional worship service each week throughout the program year (August-May) and for special services in Holy Week and Lessons and Carols. In the summer months, visiting instrumentalists, many of whom are members of faculty at Florida State University, take part in services. Music at the 11:00 AM service includes the great works of choral literature written for the church in addition to major works of the organ repertoire. For more information about participating in the FPC music program please contact our Director of Music and Organist, Dr. Iain Quinn.
Music at the Arise Service
Worshiping God, proclaiming the Gospel, building disciples. FPC’s contemporary worship time is full of joyful singing, bible reflection, prayer, and communion. Join us every Sunday at 9:00 am in the FPC Fellowship Hall.
Interested in joining the praise band? Please contact our Contemporary Worship Director, Bryan Watt.