DAY 13 - Saul and Jesse Huber

DAY 13

Saul and Jesse Huber

Saul and Jesse Huber, a young couple (with 4 young children) living in southern Illinois, are Missions Cohort leaders who act a young adult mobilizers for EPC World Outreach.  Through the Cohort, a handful of missions-minded young adults connect, pray, study the Bible, and talk to missionaries in the field.  They finish the Cohort with opportunities to visit World Outreach ministries throughout the world.



Dear Father, “I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?’  Then I said, ‘Here I am!  Send me.’”  Isaiah 6:8.  Thank you for Saul and Jesse Huber and their commitment to helping to shepherd other young adults who have heard a call to serve as missionaries.  We pray that their family may be blessed and that their ministry may be fruitful.  In Jesus’ name we pray, AMEN.

Bonnie Gaupp