You have the responsibility and privilege of nominating officers to lead and shepherd our church body. Scroll to the bottom of this page to complete your online nomination forms by Easter Sunday, April 12. You may also call the church office with nominations.

Our Officer Nomination Committee will gather nominations and prayerfully consider each candidate for the office of elder or deacon. Committee members are Cullin Hamm (E), Jay Flowers (E), Matt Casper (D), Nathan Packer (D), Richard Vann (At L), Krista Peace (At L), and Emmett Miles (Y).

Before nominating, review the following roles and considerations:


From the EPC Book of Order: Those who fill this office for governing the Church are called Ruling Elders. Chosen by the people of a particular congregation, these Ruling Elders are to watch over the spiritual welfare of that congregation. When appointed to participate in Presbytery or General Assembly, they shall watch over the spiritual welfare and participate diligently in the workings of that portion of the Church to which they are commissioned, recognizing that the Evangelical Presbyterian Church is a connectional church. The Ruling Elder shares authority with the Teaching Elder in all of the courts of the Church, in both rights and duties. As a representative of the people, it is the first duty of the Ruling Elder to represent the mind of Christ, as that person understands it, in the various courts of the Church. 

“Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, watching over them—not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not pursuing dishonest gain, but eager to serve.” — 1 Peter 5:2

Current Session 

Class of 2020: Frank Beverly, Cullin Hamm, Martha Murray, Julia Singletary, Jeanne Thompson

Class of 2021: Bill Edwards, Jay Flowers, Ruth Ann Maxwell, Bob Miles, Jerry Pionessa

Class of 2022: Doug Silvis, Mark Courtney, Harry T. Jones, Tom Everett, Annie Laurie McElroy


From the EPC Book of Order: The office of Deacon as set forth in Scripture is one of compassion, concern for needs, and of serving others. Therefore, the first duty of the Deacon is sympathy and service. Historically, to this office has been given the duty of being the Church’s instrument for the ministry of compassion. Such duties may include the care, maintenance, and preparation of the church and its facilities. Since the Board of Deacons is not a court of the Church and since it is under the authority of the Church Session, to the Deacons both individually and collectively the Church Session may assign from time to time special duties felt to be appropriate to that office.

“So the Twelve gathered all the disciples together and said, “It would not be right for us to neglect the ministry of the word of God in order to wait on tables. Brothers and sisters, choose seven men from among you who are known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom. We will turn this responsibility over to them 4 and will give our attention to prayer and the ministry of the word.” — Acts 6:2-4

Current Diaconate 

Class of 2020: Bobby Brown, Matt Casper, John Hungerford, Gina Shumake, Becky Miller

Class of 2021: Rhea Brashear, Ben Lindquist, Kealon Nix, Bryant Peace, Jonathan Watt

Class of 2022: Nathan Packer, Julie Spence, Brooks Woodward, Ginny LeGette, Daniel Lauderdale


Consider the following of each candidate:

  • ATTENDANCE faithfully and regularly at services of the Church for both worship and study.

  • CHRIST-CENTERED LIVING where the lordship of Jesus Christ is evident in daily life.


  • SHARING talents and gifts faithfully in the Church with a desire to build up the Body of Christ and see the coming of our Lord’s Kingdom on this earth.

  • BIBLICALLY GIVING of all that one is and has to the Lord and being committed to the biblical principle of tithing for the enriching and enhancing of the programs, ministries, and benevolences of the Church.

  • DESIRE TO LEARN through God’s Word a biblical model for leadership and the responsibilities of church leaders through study sessions and officer training events.


Complete the forms below by Easter Sunday, April 12.


I have read the Scriptures and EPC requirements. After careful consideration, I nominate the persons listed below to become church officers: 


I have read the Scriptures and EPC requirements. After careful consideration, I nominate the persons listed below to become church officers: