Worship | Grow | Serve
We believe the local church is here for a purpose: to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. We also believe the church is here for God's mission to help others find this same purpose. At the heart of every program here at FPC Thomasville is the hope that you and your family would mature in faith, be encouraged in the gospel, and be equipped to share its life-changing message with others. Meaningful membership requires a place to Worship, Grow, and Serve. That pattern of life together bears the fruit of spiritual maturity and initiative. It is our hope that you will find a community of faith here.
We offer two Sunday morning services with complementary styles - casual and traditional. Just as different languages can carry the same meaning, so can differences in worship have the same aim. Common to both services is warm fellowship, rich worship and vibrant Gospel preaching and teaching. Whichever your preference, we are blessed to participate in both with excitement and authenticity. Come as you are!
9am | Fellowship Hall
The Arise Worship features our contemporary worship team and a praise band with guitars, keys, bass and drums.
11am | Sanctuary
The Traditional Worship service features FPC Chancel Choir, organ and liturgical elements.
At FPC, we envision every member finding opportunities to grow in relationship with God and in fellowship with others. We offer a variety of adult ministry groups to provide you with an opportunity to foster community and spiritual growth.
A time for Sunday school is set aside each week during the 10:00 hour (with one class exception). Through a variety of means and leader styles, the truths of Scripture are studied among like-minded believers. Sunday school offers the opportunity for people to identify, invite and connect with other adults to create an ongoing Bible study experience.
Description: A facilitator-led class geared towards our choir members and others who prefer to meet early.
Time & Location: 8:30am | Edwards Classroom
Curriculum: Topical
Description: A class made up of a wide age range of adults (both couples and singles) desiring spiritual growth through participation in a mid-sized community with Biblically-based teaching and healthy discussion on topics relevant to our class.
Time & Location: 8:30am | Edwards Building
Curriculum: Discussion
Description: A mid- to older adult class centered around class discussion prepared by a strong leadership team.
Time & Location: 8:30am | Adult Ed. Building
Curriculum: Spiritual Gifts
Description: A mid-to older adult class committed to community and missions within a class centered around discussion, facilitated by a dedicated leadership team.
Time & Location: 8:30am | Adult Ed. Building
Curriculum: The Gospels of Jesus
Description: The class name is the acronym for Saints as Living Testimonies, this lively group of young adults (under 40) participate in a facilitator-led format with discussion.
Time & Location: 8:30am | Fellowship Hall Wing
Curriculum: Topical
Life Groups are a vital part of church membership! Joining a Life Group is a fantastic way to connect with others in our congregation while seeking to grow in our faith. Over the course of the school year (Fall and Spring semesters), Life Groups (typically consisting of 8-10 individuals—both couples and singles) meet twice a month in members’ homes at a scheduled time which best fits each individual group. Upon sign-up, your group leader will reach out to identify the best day and time for all group members. We hope you will join a Life Group!
FPC men’s ministry seeks to engage men within the context of community through common interests and biblical teaching for the purpose of supporting each other along the pathway of discipleship. Current offerings include:
Wednesdays | 7:30 AM | Adult Education Building
Meet for Bible study and prayer
Thursdays | 7 AM | Adult Education Building
Meet for Bible study, prayer and relational support
Women's ministry is a community of women who gather to fellowship, mentor, and connect in a safe, supportive environment. Our Women’s Ministry exists to support women of all ages and stages as they engage in discipleship and service. Current offerings include:
MOMCO (formerly Mothers of Preschoolers)
The MomCo (formerly Mothers of Preschoolers) chapter at First Presbyterian encourages and equips moms of young children to realize their potential as mothers, women and leaders, in relationship with Jesus, and in partnership with the local church. Our leadership team and Mentor Moms welcome women from throughout the community. Childcare is available. MOPS meets September - May.
2nd Tuesday each month | 9-11 AM | Adult Education Building
A traditional monthly gathering of women in the church centered around fellowship, prayer concerns, a lesson series, compassion outreach, and participation in a variety of local mission projects. Members bring a sack lunch and share hostessing responsibilities. Meetings are held September - May.
2nd Monday each month | 12 PM | Edwards Building
Women of the Word is our weekly Bible study. Six - 12 week studies are held throughout the fall and spring.
Tuesdays | 7:00 PM | Fralish Home (105 Cardinal Ridge Road, Thomasville, GA)
Thursdays | 9 AM | Edwards Building
Wednesday night small groups are the foundation of our ministry. A faithful team of adult leaders are committed to reaching and equipping our students with the gospel. Groups gather every Wednesday in the Student Building or host homes for dinner, hang-out time, Bible study, and prayer.
Middle School Boys:
Time: 5:30pm-7:00pm
Location: Student Ministry Bldg.
Middle School Girls:
Time: 5:30pm-7:00pm
Location: Student Ministry Bldg.
9th & 10th Grade Boys:
Time: 7:00pm-8:30pm
Location: Student Ministry Bldg.
9th & 10th Grade Girls:
Time: 7:00pm-8:30pm
Location: Student Ministry Bldg.
11th & 12th Grade Boys:
Time: 7:00pm-8:30pm
Location: Host Home
11th & 12th Grade Girls:
Time: 7:00pm-8:30pm
Location: Host Home
Consider enriching your life and the lives of others by serving in one or more of these areas:
There are so many ways for our members to use their gifts and talents to serve here at FPC Thomasville, including:
Adult Groups Ministries
Children’s Ministries
Church Government
Congregational Care
Fellowship & Hospitality
Finance and Stewardship
Global Missions
Local Missions
Student Ministry
Bryan Watt (Coordinator): bwatt@fpcthomasville.org
Serve Days at FPC are an opportunity for members to put their faith into action through service as well as to support our local mission partners in their efforts to help those in need in our community.
Serve Saturday (WMC) - February 22, 2025
Serve Saturday (Juneteenth) - June 21, 2025
Serve Saturday (Fall) - September 20, 2025
Serve Day (Thanksgiving) - November 27, 2025
Serve Saturday (Christmas) - December 13, 2025
Over the years, we have developed a number of partnerships with local ministries and non-profits that are doing great work in our community. For a list and description of our local partners, click the link below:
Over the last four decades, FPC Thomasville has developed a number of partnerships with international ministries and organizations who are doing incredible work all over the world. For a list and description of each of our global partners, click the link below: