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Planning for the Future

 As a faithful response to the many ways in which God has allowed our church to thrive in recent years, the Session is partnering with Leighton Ford Ministries to develop a strategic plan that we will use to guide our long-term decisions about ministries, missions and facilities… and to help us to be more effective in our growing the discipleship of our members.  


 Congregational Survey

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Your Input Matters

The planning process has been designed to give every member the opportunity to participate, and the primary tool for this is a congregation-wide online survey.  We need all of our members to participate in this survey between now and the end of January.  Each family member, age 16 and older, should participate individually.  The survey is simple to access and take, and your answers are completely anonymous and confidential


About the Survey

To access the survey, click the link below and enter the church’s unique password that was provided via email, in Sunday bulletins and The Pulse.   

The first few questions are for classifying purposes, and those are followed by a number of statements about our church and about your perceptions of the church.  For these, you will indicate your agreement or disagreement to each statement.  Just answer each question according to the instructions, and if you don’t know how to answer a particular question, just leave it blank and move to the next question.

Throughout the survey, you can use the ‘Previous’ and ‘Next’ buttons to navigate pages at any point while you are logged on.  When you click ‘Done’ on the last page, your answers will be saved and can no longer be changed.  Although the survey must be completed in one sitting, it takes just about 20 minutes or so to complete. 

You have questions

We Have Answers

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Frequently Asked Questions

(Click on the questions below to reveal the answers)

  • If you have trouble with this, make sure that you have pasted the full URL into your browser.

  • Make sure that you have selected the appropriate link to your church and typed the password exactly as it appears.

  • This is a problem with the way that your computer’s security features / network firewalls are configured. The problem is with your computer or network, not with the survey.

    The church is offering assistance during the Sunday School hour on Sunday, January 21 and again on Sunday, January 28. Please call the church office to let us know if you wish to take advantage of this assistance.

  • Just leave that question blank. It will not skew the results. The composite score for each question is calculated by the number of participants who answer any given question, not by how many participants take the survey.

Learn More 

Informational Video

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If you’d like to know more about the survey, we invite you to watch this 4-minute video in which Kevin Ford tells you about his organization and about how they’ve helped 100’s of churches across America.


 Our Planning Partner

Leighton Ford Ministries

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 About Our Planning Partner

Leighton Ford Ministries has been helping churches like ours for more than 40 years.  The company patriarch, Leighton Ford, is the Reverend Billy Graham’s brother-in-law.  For the past 15 years or so, Leighton’s son, Kevin, has partnered with his father in this ministry.  For more information about Leighton-Ford Ministries, visit their website by clicking the link below: