Your Input Matters

The planning process has been designed to give every member the opportunity to participate, and the primary tool for this is a congregation-wide online survey.  We need all of our members to participate in this survey between now and the end of January.  Each family member, age 16 and older, should participate individually.  The survey is simple to access and take, and your answers are completely anonymous and confidential


About the Survey

To access the survey, click on this link [insert survey link here] and enter the church’s unique password that was provided via email, in Sunday bulletins and The Pulse.   

The first few questions are for classifying purposes, and those are followed by a number of statements about our church and about your perceptions of the church.  For these, you will indicate your agreement or disagreement to each statement.  Just answer each question according to the instructions, and if you don’t know how to answer a particular question, just leave it blank and move to the next question.

Throughout the survey, you can use the ‘Previous’ and ‘Next’ buttons to navigate pages at any point while you are logged on.  When you click ‘Done’ on the last page, your answers will be saved and can no longer be changed.  Although the survey must be completed in one sitting, it takes just about 20 minutes or so to complete.