Drop-In Prayer
Holy Week continues with our Drop-in Prayer. Stop by and let us know how we can pray for you.

Drop-In Communion
Join us for an evening of communion and prayer as we prepare our hearts during the Holy Week season.

Easter Sunday
Easter Sunday SCHEDULE:
Arise Service | 9AM | Fellowship Hall
Easter Reception | 10AM | Friendship Courtyard
Traditional Service | 11AM | Sanctuary
Ash Wednesday Dinner & Worship Service
Join us for a special Ash Wednesday dinner & worship service as we enter into the season of Lent. Dinner begins at 5:30pm in the fellowship hall, followed by a special Ash Wednesday worship service in the Sanctuary. RSVP for dinner by clicking the link below and filling out our form:

Maundy Thursday Service
Join us at 6:30 pm in the Sanctuary as we remember the Last Supper of Jesus Christ with his disciples. Maundy comes from mandatum, the Latin word for commandment, and originates from Jesus’ words in John 13: “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you.” We will consider this command and take communion together.
Spring Picnic & Egg Hunt
Let’s picnic! Join us for our annual spring picnic and egg hunt at 5:30 pm on the Edwards Patio & FPC Playground. Egg hunts for Toddlers-5th grade. Sack supper $5 per person/$20 family max. Dinner on the ground; bring a quilt or blanket. Register below:

Drop-In Prayer
Lent and Holy Week are a season of preparation for the unparalleled, joyful feast of Easter. Drop in the Sanctuary between 12 noon and 6 pm to pray and consider what the death and resurrection of Jesus mean for your life.

Drop-In Communion
Lent and Holy Week are a season of preparation for the unparalleled, joyful feast of Easter. Drop in the Sanctuary between 5-6 pm to take communion and turn your eyes toward the the Suffering Servant.

Palm Sunday Service
Arise Service | 9am | Fellowship Hall
Traditional Service | 11am | Sanctuary
Easter Sunday Online Service
We hope you will join us online for our Easter Sunday Facebook Live service! The links below will not be active until Sunday morning, so be sure to check back on this page to download the bulletin and view the facebook livestream.

Drop-In Prayer
Lent and Holy Week are a season of preparation for the unparalleled, joyful feast of Easter. Drop in the Sanctuary between 12 noon an 6 pm to pray and consider what the death and resurrection of Jesus mean for your life.