Preschool Spring Program
Join us for our Spring 2024 Preschool Program on May 10th at 9:30am in our FPC Fellowship Hall. We hope to see you there!
VBS 2025
Annual VBS for children rising pre-k to 6th grade. $25 per child
Serve Saturday (WMC 2025)
We hope will join us for a morning of service as we come alongside our local mission partners in Thomasville. It is a great opportunity for families, students, sunday school classes, and life groups to put their faith into action by serving those in our community. Click the link below for more information and to sign up online to serve with us:

2025 World Mission Conference
“Welcome to the 2025 World Mission Conference of First Presbyterian Church Thomasville. It has been an honor to head up this energetic committee this year as we seek to bring honor and glory to God as He continues to work through our Global Mission Partners in such exciting ways! We can’t help but DECLARE the mighty works of God as we see how we as church members can plug into this exciting Gospel work locally and globally.
We pray that you will come alongside us during this conference to hear more about what is happening and see how you can participate in this wonderful work to which we are all called. Each event is designed to celebrate and inspire so you won’t want to miss this weekend!
“Declare His glory among the nations, His marvelous deeds among all peoples.” - Psalm 96:3

FPC Preschool Christmas Program
Join us for our Preschool Christmas Program at 10am on Friday, December 20th in our Fellowship Hall
Serve Saturday Christmas
We can’t think of a better way to usher in the Christmas season than an opportunity to give back and share God’s love with others in our community. This year, we are partnering with Project Backyard and Harper Elementary to sponsor and wrap gifts for over 25 families who are in need. The teachers of harper are working with the parents of these families to get a “wishlist” for each child, and our role will be to sponsor the purchasing of these gifts and help wrap them. We will then give the gifts to the parents, so that they can have the joy of giving them to their children on Christmas morning. This is a great way to give back this Christmas season, and we would love for you to be a part of it. If you would like to support and/or volunteer for this service project, you can click the links below:

FPC Christmas Choir Concert
Wednesday, December 11th | 7pm | FPC Sanctuary
Admission: Free
Childcare: Childcare available for children 4 years and under
Thanksgiving Serve Day
Are you looking for a way to serve this Thanksgiving? Join us as we support the efforts of our local mission partner, Project Backyard Thomasville, for their “Free Community Thanksgiving Day Meal”. Volunteers will be helping distribute over 1600 hot meals to those in need in our community. For more info & to sign up to volunteer, click the link below:

FPC Thanksgiving Dinner & Officer Testimonies
Join us for an evening of delicious food, great fellowship, and heartfelt testimonies from our new officers.
Date & Time: Wednesday, November 15th | 5:30PM
Location: Fellowship Hall
Childcare: Nursery will be provided if needed for 4 and under.
Testimonials: Our new officers will be sharing their testimony of God’s work in their lives.
Catered by JB Crumbs: Roasted turkey, cornbread dressing, and giblet gravy.
What to Bring: Please bring your favorite side dish to share.
RSVP: Please click the link below to learn more and to RSVP.

Trunk or Treat
Bring your family and a lawn chair to the FPC parking lot to enjoy cute kids in costume, food, games, and lots of fun! There is something for everyone at this festive church-wide event. Contact Elizabeth Mitchum to sign-up for a trunk.

Boots & BBQ @ Uno Hill Barn, Pebble Hill
Join us on Sunday, August 25th at 5:30pm at Uno Hill Barn at Pebble Hill Plantation for our annual “Boots & BBQ” celebration in honor of our fall kick-off. It will be a great time of fellowship, amazing food, live music, and line dancing. We hope to see you there!

FPC Preschool Open House
We invite you to drop in at your convenience on August 12, 2024 between 4:00pm and 6:00pm for our Preschool Open House. See the classrooms, meet the teachers, and get your little one ready for the new year!

Promotion Sunday
9AM - Arise Service | Fellowship Hall
10AM - Promotion Sunday Presentation | Fellowship Hall
11AM - Traditional Service | Sanctuary

Senior Night 2024
Join us on May 15th at 5:30pm in the Fellowship Hall as we celebrate and pray for our seniors as they transition to their next chapter of life after high school.
Student Sunday 2023
We hope you will join us for our annual “Student Sunday”, where our students will be leading us in worship through song, scripture readings, prayers, and testimonies.
9AM | Arise Worship Service | Fellowship Hall
10AM | Traditional Worship Service | Sanctuary

Advent Wreath Workshop
Supply Cost: $20 per Wreath includes ready to use Advent Wreath and family Advent Devotional. Please bring fresh greenery, ribbon, etc. for filling your wreath.

Raising Boys & Girls Parenting Conference (Featuring David Thomas & Sissy Goff)
Raising Boys & Girls Parenting Conference Featuring David Thomas & Sissy Goff
Learn practical parenting skills from David Thomas & Sissy Goff, nationally recognized family counselors and hosts of the podcast Raising Boys & Girls. Their mission is to help you care for the kids in your life with a little more understanding, a little more practical help, and a whole lot of hope.
Childcare will be offered at a first come, first serve basis. It is $10 per family for the Friday night session and $10 per family for the Saturday morning session. You can purchase childcare tickets on the ticketing page. Please include your children's names and ages in the checkout.
Friday night session - Intentional Parenting (6:30pm - 8:30pm)
Saturday morning session - Raising Boys & Girls (9:00am - 11:30am)
Doors will open 45 minutes before so you can grab a snack, a cup of coffee and your favorite seat!
Wednesday Night Dinner | "The Call"
Does your work serve a greater purpose? Would it help you to consider how it might become far more meaningful? On Wednesday, September 20 at 5:30pm in our fellowship hall, we will host a dinner and discussion groups to explore that very question.
Come join us for an evening to clarify what the bible refers to as every believer’s CALL. As part of the time, we will hear from leaders of all our recent mission trips to bring us a global perspective on all our efforts.
We hope to see you there!

FPC Kids Back to School Picnic
Join us on the FPC Playground for our back to school celebration. Bring your own picnic, and we will provide the desserts. We hope to see you there!

Advent Wreath Workshop
Supply Cost: $20 per Wreath includes ready to use Advent Wreath and family Advent Devotional. Please bring fresh greenery, ribbon, etc. for filling your wreath.

Trunk or Treat
Bring your family and a lawn chair to the FPC parking lot to enjoy cute kids in costume, food, games, and lots of fun! There is something for everyone at this festive church-wide event. Contact Elizabeth Mitchum to sign-up for a trunk.
Wednesday Night Dinner Series
September 28th | 5:30 | Catered Dinner | $5 per person/$20 per family
Wednesday Night Dinner Series
This is a three part dinner series that will take place on September 21, 28, and October 5.
5:30 | Catered Dinner | $5 per person/$20 per family
Spring Picnic & Egg Hunt
Let’s picnic! Join us for our annual spring picnic and egg hunt at 5:30 pm on the Edwards Patio & FPC Playground. Egg hunts for Toddlers-5th grade. Sack supper $5 per person/$20 family max. Dinner on the ground; bring a quilt or blanket. Register below:

Harper Elementary Food Distribution
Volunteers needed to help distribute boxes of food to the families of Harper Elementary students! Distribution is on Saturday, Dec 19 at 9:30am in the Harper Elementary school parking lot. Click here to learn more and sign up to serve!

Serve Saturday
Every year our church partners with Project Backyard and Hands on Thomas County for a day of community service benefiting local non-profit and community agencies. Join FPC Thomasville in sharing the love of Christ through service this Saturday, Oct 17. Sign up below.
Phase II Reopening
Sunday, September 13 we will move to Phase II of our re-opening plans. What this means:
Two services: 9 AM Arise & 11 AM Traditional
Nursery available for each service
Children’s worship outside, weather permitting
Masks required
Student Sunday school resumes
No adult Sunday school
Reservations required at the links below

REC Week
REC WEEK is our first-ever, church-wide summer event that brings families and friends together for a week of fun games and lighthearted competition. Decide to play and earn points either individually, as a family, or with other families and friends. Browse our list of games in this GAME SHEET and make preparations to play as many as you can from 9 am on Monday, June 15 through 9 pm on Thursday, June 18. Click here to view the Facebook REC Week event page where teams will be posting daily updates.